viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015


Nowadays students at schools have a lot of problems, most of them make feel students afraid, upset, embarrased, anxious or ashamed.

 What problems have you faced at school?  Do you know what is bullying? What are the different kinds of bullying? Do you know the causes consequences and ways to prevent it?


People have a lot of problems in their community, family, school or job andmost of the times they dont know how to deal with 
One of these problems is bullying. Bullying is when one person hurts another person on purpose.  This hurt can be physical or emotional.
In order to know what kind of person are you, read the meaning of the next words and   illustrate them. Hand in your activities to the teacher.
·         Avoid: Do not permit. Keep away from someone or something
·         Bullied: The victim. People who support the bad people
·         Bully: The aggressor. A person who bothers.
·         Bullying: The action of bothering
·         Bystander: A non participant spectator. Witness.
·         Bother: Bad or offensive actions. Cause trouble, unhappiness, or discomfort.
·         Compassion: Understand someone is suffering
·         Conflict: A problem
·         Defend: To protect someone or yourself
·         Exclusion: Being excluded. Do not include
·         Ignore: Give no attention
·         Insult: An offensive word or phrase.
·         Isolation: Be alone
·         Mediator:  A person who acts as a link between the parties. (referee)
·         Support: To help. Understand his or her feelings.
·         Target: The victim of the aggression 
·         Punch: Hit with the fist

3. Do the multiple choice exercise about bullying vocabulary in the next link:


  1. In teams choose one type of bullying, investigate: characteristics (definition),causes, consequences and tips to prevent it. With the information:

         PRODUCT 1: Make a pamphlet
         PRODUCT 2: Design a poster
         PRODUCT 3: Make a Video

      These resources will help you to find information about your project, use them:

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